Left Behind; a project about objects that have been estranged and left behind tied to their home…
‘Take A Walk’
Curation of a short film dedicated towards ideas of a ‘creative block’ within the art world and what may help inspire you to get out of the block. When working through projects consistently sometimes you may find yourself ‘stuck’. This show-reel is something I made to help me get around my creative block. In this case, ‘Take A Walk’ really helped me become re-inspired.
3D Printing
Within this project of ‘Left Behind’ I retrieved a bone that was indeed, left behind in the Peak District. I took this dried, aged bone with me and used PolyCam to scan the object, transferred the file into Blender. After a week or so, I had a replica of the exact same bone I had brought with me. Creating a purpose the old bone had lost.